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Canadian Animal Collection

Gouache on cold press watercolour paper

Half-Face Collection


This is the first piece of the collection and was painted in 2019 when I first arrived in Canada. I had just seen my first bear here and was amazed at how gentle and fluffy it looked.

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches


This is the second piece of the collection and was painted in 2020. My first raccoon sighting was in Stanley Park in Vancouver back in 2017. There were two bigger ones and a smaller one, all inquisitive and climbing over the logs with ease. They are thought of as vermin here, but I still think they’re cute!

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches

Bald Eagle

This is the third piece of the collection and was painted in 2020 and finished in 2021 with some added eye detail. The first bald eagle sighting was on the sunshine coast in the summer of 2020 whilst we were kayaking.

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches


This is the fourth piece of the collection. I am still yet to see a Cougar in person but I don’t think I want to…not up close at least!…but I have seen a bobcat!

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches


This is the fifth piece of the collection and was painted in 2022. I had just returned from the UK and went to a wolf sanctuary. I love how they move in their pack and look really elegant, despite being awesome hunters.

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches



This is the sixth piece of the collection and was painted in 2023. There is also a 2nd version of this print with a close-up version.

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 7 x 10 Inches


Eagle Feathers

This was a piece that I made to improve on my technique of painting feathers. I also wanted to experiment with the introduction of gold detailing in paintings. I was originally going to use gold leaf, however decided to use a gold powdered pigment mixed with paint to produce a more delicate finish.

Gouache on cold press Watercolour paper

Original: 9 x 12 Inches

Eagle feathers painted in gouache with gold detailing

6×6 prints

These are 6×6 prints of painting

Gouache on canvas

Original: 6×6 Inches

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